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Prayer (1)

Prayer at Warfield Church

Prayer is central to our lives as Christians, and we want it to underpin everything we do as a church. We love seeing answers to prayer, and discovering more of God’s will for us as we pray. 

There are a number of ways in which we encourage each other to grow in prayer, and we’d love everyone to join in.  

Morning Prayer

On Tuesdays, Morning Prayer takes place in-person at St Michael's, in the Parish Rooms.
On Wednesdays and Thursdays, we livestream Morning Prayer online to our Facebook page.
On Mondays and Fridays, we invite you to give Morning Prayer personally or with your family.

To access the livestream of morning prayer, you need to go to the Warfield Church Facebook page. The Warfield Church Facebook page is public and anyone can access it, with or without an account. If you’re not able to join at 9am, the video remains there so why not take time later in the day to join in.

We use a simple structure for morning prayer; these include some set prayers that we use every day and a series of Bible passages which we read together.

Click here if you would like to have a copy of the liturgy for Morning Prayer so that you can join in.

You can find the Bible passages for each day here too.

E Prayer

Sometimes it’s great to ask lots of others to pray for situations in our lives, - particularly (but not only!) in ‘crisis’ moments when, for example, someone has been taken ill or has suffered a bereavement. ePrayer enables that.

Do you have something that you would like prayer for? Please send an email to
A prayer request will then be emailed to all those in the ePrayer group who have agreed to pray for the needs of others in this way. Please indicate in the email whether or not you would like your name mentioned in the prayer request.  (The ePrayer group is made up of members of Warfield Church, and includes some who have moved away but who wish to continue to support our church community in prayer.)

If you would like to become a member of the ePrayer group which receives these prayer requests for other people's needs, please ask to join by sending an email to .

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry is available during/after the service in each of our 3 Sunday morning congregations. Please ask members of the leadership teams or prayer ministry teams for more information.

Life Groups

We encourage everyone to be part of a Life Group. There are lots of good reasons to be in a life group, but one of them is that it’s a great place to pray for and with others.  

Congregational Prayer Meetings

Each of our 10:30 congregations has a time of prayer before the service on Sunday morning, as well as regular congregational prayer meetings. To find out more about these, ask the congregational leaders.    

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